A.Celli group is a provider of machinery and technological solutions for the global market of paper and nonwovens.
Our company does not supply:
Unfortunately, due to privacy reasons, we cannot share customers contact details but you can find a rather exhaustive list of producers here:
We confirm that there are different types of non-woven fabric with the characteristics indicated but the choice of the best product from the point of view of quality - cost ratio is different from manufacturer to manufacturer.
Below you can find a link to the page of the European association of non-woven fabric producers, where you can find more information:
As for the technical characteristics that a surgical mask must have, please refer to the dedicated Technical Note written by the Politecnico di Milano:
For a list of Italian manufacturers of non-woven fabric for medical use, you can visit the following pages:
Otherwise, please read page 2 of the dedicated Technical Note written by the Politecnico di Milano :
A.Celli does not provide complete production lines, but we cooperate with the major European players for the supply of extruded and carded product lines. Two different types of our machines are used in the medical market for the production of intermediate products required for manufacturing masks, gowns, drapes etc.:
Read more: Nonwovens Lamination Guide
If you are interested in one of these lines, both are available in different configurations, speeds and formats and we would be more than happy to assist you in identifying the solution that best suits your needs. Click here for a free consultancy.