The paper industry has been undergoing several changes and evolutions for some time now, caused by multiple factors, including growing environmental awareness, digitization, and a decrease in the use of paper itself in some areas of daily life.
On the one hand, there is an increased focus on sustainability and reduction of environmental impact (incidentally also demanded by consumers and regulatory bodies), which has led to greater use of recycled fiber and renewable energy sources and the implementation of more efficient and cleaner production processes. On the other hand, increasing digitization has reduced the demand for paper in some areas, such as those of document production, printed advertising, and periodical publications. These events have prompted many paper mills to seek new market opportunities.
Being competitive today
To recover competitiveness and make production more efficient, it is possible to consider modernizing machinery or converting it to produce types of paper that are more profitable and in demand on the market, such as that used for packaging (which according to Assocarta today accounts for 52 % of Italian paper production) or tissue paper.
In this regard, Assocarta points out that the turnover of the graphic papers segment in 2020 showed a 26.5 % decrease nationwide compared to 2019, partly to be attributed to the lockdown and partly due precisely to the conversion of a major plant that was destined for the production of corrugated cardboard.
Within tissue, by 2030 Afry forecasts 6 % growth led by emerging markets, especially China (+4 %) and other Asian countries (+2 %), which together will account for 60 % of the increase in global demand. However, Afry points out, it will be a market with increasingly fierce competition, and in order to carve out its own space, it will be necessary to be able to optimize costs and have more efficient production processes.
PMT, a highly qualified strategic partner
Cost containment, optimization, increased efficiency, reduced consumption: these are the aspects that must be focused on today to be competitive in the world of paper production.
A.Celli's mission, with the experience gained by PMT, is to help paper mills around the world achieve these goals, providing state-of-the-art services and components and intervening on production machinery to reduce the use of raw materials, limit energy consumption and increase the efficiency and reliability of the entire plant.
Through interventions such as the rebuilding or conversion of the machinery, A.Celli enables both maximizing the performance and safety of existing machinery and reacting to a changing market by seizing new business opportunities.
By joining the A.Celli Group in September 2020, PMT has brought in-depth expertise with the aim of providing effective and efficient solutions to players in the paper industry. By applying the technologies conceived and developed by PMT, A.Celli is able to optimize processes and improve production by intervening on the machinery in use (as we have seen) or introducing new ones where necessary.
An opportunity of absolute strategic value that takes on even more significance in a situation such as the current one, which is characterized by numerous companies in difficulty. This is due in part to the aforementioned problems at the industry level, and in part to the rather frequent use of limited-performance machinery due to age or lack of optimization.
The cost aspect is particularly important at a time like today, marked by exponential increases in production expenses attributable to rising energy costs. Indeed, to avoid driving up prices for the end customer, the alternative is to improve and make the production cycle more efficient.
All the tools and support needed
As we have seen, interventions can be aimed either at improving an existing plant or converting it to other types of production. In either case, one of the indispensable steps is a prior analysis of the plant and the existing machinery to see if and how interventions can be made to achieve the desired result.
When the best choice for the company turns out to be a change of the production type, thanks to PMT's experience and numerous successful interventions worldwide, A.Celli is able to reconvert your plants ensuring excellent final results in line with the individual customer's expectations.
To this end, A.Celli can provide technological solutions for every stage of the papermaking process, starting from the headbox, through various forming systems, energy- and paper quality-optimized pressing, to drying and reel winding.
In particular, the implementation of the Shoe Press (a concept introduced by Beloit and later developed for all paper grades by PMT) in the press section allows for a significant enhancement of the process efficiency while improving paper characteristics.
To reduce consumption and increase efficiency, PMT can also intervene on winders and rewinders, as well as in the stock preparation cycle. In addition to this, there are numerous services ranging from the maintenance and replacement of mechanical parts to the analysis of the installed equipment and feasibility studies for the re-engineering of the plant.
Finally, the synergy between PMT's and A.Celli's experiences makes it possible to provide solutions that are not limited to the paper machine alone but involve the entire production process, from the logistic management of raw materials and finished product to the monitoring of production parameters through customized and user-friendly IT solutions.
In conclusion, by relying on A.Celli you will be sure to receive all the tools and support you need to make your paper mill highly competitive, regardless of the size of your plants and the age of the machinery used.